Defending a power generation firm’s clean transition against hostile campaigners

Sector: Utilities; Energy

Services: Strategic communications: Corporate affairs. Data & insights: Stakeholder research

A leading power generation company was working on Europe’s single largest decarbonisation project. It was a complex sustainability story that was being questioned by influential NGO detractors and amplified in the media. Requiring subsidies to transform, key decision makers were beginning to question their support for the firm.  This needed addressing.

To achieve greater support and certainty, we need to create clear incentives for decision-makers by reframing the debate. Specifically: alternative starting points to a discussion of the company rather than just sustainability; provide upside in being seen to support the company; and, while risks with subsidy remain, decision-makers also see risks with being seen as anti the company

A new way of describing the company and its conversion from coal to compressed wood pellets through technology and engineering excellence which enables more solar and wind.  The identification of a broader coalition of advocates and friends. A wide range of campaigns to communicate in simple and clear ways that make sense to the public and influence decision makers to support.