Ep 49 – In Praise of Process
Admin. Forms. Process. Dull, dull, dull.
It’s what gets in the way of doing the actual job that we all love, right?
Talking to journalists, coming up with that clever policy idea, pulling together a brilliant new social campaign or perfectly nailing the messaging in a complicated sequence of regulated announcements. The bureaucracy, be it functional or corporate, just slows us down. Or does it?
Is your comms grid really used to plan and activate in a coordinated manner or has it become a bureaucratic chore? One that you get the most junior members of the team to fill out each week and then promptly ignore? When was the last time you actually updated your stakeholder map based on your latest interactions? Have you even got a stakeholder map? Are you still religiously logging and tracking all of the conversations you and the media team have with journalists, proactive or reactive?
These questions are answered, pondered over and more on this edition of The Little Questions Podcast from Apella Advisors.
The Little Questions podcast is presented by Andrew Brown and Matt Young.
You can get in touch by emailing podcast@apellaadvisors.com
In Praise of Process
(Ep 49 - Clip 1)
In Praise of Process
(Ep 49 - Clip 2)
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