Ep 70 - 2024 Election Special.
Like us at Little Questions you’re probably keeping, at the very least, a partial eye on how the election is playing out.
So, this time, we’re going to focus this episode on said general election.
We’ll look at messaging, how to deal with unexpected events, how grids are planned and unplanned. We’ll ask whatever happened to the daily press conference? Is this the first ever Tik Tok election? And, outside the big beasts in each party consider those who are having a good and a bad election, and who we may be hearing a lot more from in the coming months and years.
Of course we’ll talk about debates – do they matter, is the prep for them the same as for a CEO special event – and, as they head into round two, what advice we have for the principles based on their first performance.
Finally, we trawl our fading memory banks and consider what in house comms and corporate affairs teams should be doing now to prepare for July 5th and the days and weeks that follow.
To discuss these and other little questions Andrew Brown is joined by Apella colleagues Matt Young and, not quite fresh from the political lobby, but once a hack always a hack, James Kirkup.
You can get in touch by emailing podcast@apellaadvisors.com and please consider leaving us a review.
Andrew Brown, formerly Director of Communications and Public affairs at Ageas Insurance, Andrew has more than ten years’ experience leading the corporate affairs functions for global, listed, multifaceted firms across a range of regulated and unregulated sectors. He has considerable experience in issues, crisis and change management as well as reputation sentiment analysis and insight. Formerly Director of Communications at Drax Group plc and Group Corporate Affairs Director at Regus plc.
James Kirkup has over 20 years in high-profile Westminster roles including Political Editor of the Daily Telegraph and Director of the Social Market Foundation. Extensive experience of thought leadership and advocacy work, with a particular focus on the relationship between business, politics and public policy. Continues to contribute regularly to national media outlets as a columnist at the Times and Spectator.
Matt Young has over 25 years of experience across media relations, public affairs, regulatory development, employee engagement, brand development, competition and CSR. Group corporate affairs director at Lloyds Banking Group, part of the senior team which rescued the bank and rebuilt its reputation following the financial crisis. Formerly communications director at Santander UK and board member of the BBA.
2024 Election Special
(Ep 70-Clip1)
2024 Election Special
(Ep 70-Clip 2)
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