Ep 56 - Events - the forgotten comms channel
Everyone loves a party don’t they? A gathering where you can have a good catch up with those you haven’t seen for ages. Make new friends, trade gossip, learn something new and perhaps even let your hair down. But not too much!
Parties, or events as we like to call them in the corporate world, come in all shapes and sizes - conferences, seminars, AGMs, award dinners, product launches, journalist trips, internal and external, virtual, hybrid or in person.
When you list the activities of “corporate communications”, events rarely gets a mention. As many events professionals know, given the latitude to excel, they can create those critical moments of re-appraisal that genuinely change the way your stakeholders view your firm. Something that will be talked about and remembered for years.
Conversely, under resource, and done half-arsed, your bash will still be remembered, but for all the wrong reasons. We’ve all been to one or two events like that haven’t we?
Do we simply see events as booking the venue and ensuring there’s enough to drink? There's a little more to it than that, surely?
To discuss this often forgotten aspect of the corporate communications world are Apella Advisors partners Andrew Brown and Matt Young.
Andrew Brown is former Director of Communications and Public affairs at Ageas Insurance, Andrew has more than ten years’ experience leading the corporate affairs functions for global, listed, multifaceted firms across a range of regulated and unregulated sectors. He has considerable experience in issues, crisis and change management as well as reputation sentiment analysis and insight. Formerly Director of Communications at Drax Group plc and Group Corporate Affairs Director at Regus plc.
Matt Young has 25 years of experience across media relations, public affairs, regulatory development, employee engagement, brand development, competition and CSR. Group corporate affairs director at Lloyds Banking Group, part of the senior team which rescued the bank and rebuilt its reputation following the financial crisis. Formerly communications director at Santander UK and board member of the BBA.
Find out more and get in touch by emailing podcast@apellaadvisors.com
Events - the forgotten comms channel
(Ep 56-Clip 1)
Events - the forgotten comms channel
(Ep 56-Clip 2)
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