Ep 62 - The reluctant CEO and the slow, lingering death of mainstream media.
The world is changing. There appears to be an increasing reluctance amongst CEOs and senior leaders to engage with mainstream business and financial media.
From the corporate world’s perspective, you can see why this makes sense. Why have your carefully crafted messages interrogated by a grumpy intermediary from the press when you can go direct via your owned channels?
From the journalist’s view, this is disintermediation laid bare. If we believe the role of the fourth estate is to give an independent and critical view, then companies and individuals must engage with the press. It is all part of a democracy in action.
So, what’s driving this shift? Is it the growth in owned channels? Has the pressure on journalists to cover more and write more, led to a denuding of expertise? Has that made CEO’s more reluctant to engage with a journalist who have limited understanding of their sector? Is it a trend or just a passing phase?
Matt Young is an Apella Advisors partner with 25 years of experience in corporate affairs. He was Corporate Affairs Director at Lloyds Banking Group, part of the senior team which rescued the bank and rebuilt its reputation following the financial crisis. Formerly communications director at Santander UK and board member of the BBA.
Experienced in corporate communications; public affairs and policy; regulatory affairs and risk; industrial relations; crisis and complex issues management; reputation turnarounds; campaigns, competition; and ESG. Former Head of Public Affairs and Public Policy at TSB Bank. Previously a Partner at a global communications agency and has worked in the media and politics.
Andrew Brown is an Apella Advisors partner, a former Director of Communications and Public Affairs at Ageas Insurance. He has more than ten years’ experience leading the corporate affairs functions for global firms across a range of regulated and unregulated sectors, developing considerable experience in issues, crisis and change management. Formerly Director of Communications at Drax Group plc and Group Corporate Affairs Director at Regus plc.
Find out more about Apella Advisors at www.apellaadvisors.com and you can get in touch by emailing podcast@apellaadvisors.com
The reluctant CEO and the slow, lingering death of mainstream media.
(Ep 62-Clip 1)
The reluctant CEO and the slow, lingering death of mainstream media.
(Ep 62-Clip 2)
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