Ep 75 - It wasn’t like that in our day - addressing the productivity puzzle
It would seem that many of the ills which today befall the UK are apparently linked to how productive or otherwise we are at work, individually, and collectively as a nation. Apparently we're just not as good as we used to be.
With this in mind, we've devoted this episode of The Little Questions to how we as corporate communicators and corporate affairs professionals can ensure we attain and remain at peak productivity. We discuss some of the best tools and sources of information available to us and of course we will touch on artificial intelligence, although this is not an episode specifically about AI.
We talk about the clunky world of PR in the 80s and 90s – including using couriers to deliver press releases! We reminisce about journalist databases, news feeds and go to news sources, some old school productivity hacks, and the best one of all... meeting for a coffee.
This edition of The Little Questions is hosted by Apella partners Andrew Brown and Matt Young.
Andrew Brown; formerly Director of Communications and Public affairs at Ageas Insurance, Andrew has more than ten years’ experience leading the corporate affairs functions for global, listed, multifaceted firms across a range of regulated and unregulated sectors. He has considerable experience in issues, crisis and change management as well as reputation sentiment analysis and insight. Formerly Director of Communications at Drax Group plc and Group Corporate Affairs Director at Regus plc.
Matt Young has 25 years of experience across media relations, public affairs, regulatory development, employee engagement, brand development, competition and CSR. Group corporate affairs director at Lloyds Banking Group, part of the senior team which rescued the bank and rebuilt its reputation following the financial crisis. Formerly communications director at Santander UK and board member of the BBA.
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It wasn’t like that in our day - addressing the productivity puzzle
(Ep 75-Clip 1)
It wasn’t like that in our day - addressing the productivity puzzle
(Ep 75-Clip 2)
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